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27 February 2010

IFB recap pt.3: the panels

 from Bobbin Talk on Vimeo
Panel 1: I didn't get to see this panel first hand but did see the videos that Bobbin Talk posted on YouTube. They discussed marketing plans of action and possibly how they can be applied to bloggers. This was a great panel that I wish I was present for because it was one of the most cut and dry panels of the whole conference that shed light on the "business" side of blogging. Will I partake in this whirlwind of fame? Probably not but I do love learning about business strategies and marketing tools so it was all quite informative.

 Photos by Dustin Fenstermacher

Panel 2:To light a bigger entreprenuerial fire the second panel: The Business of Blogging was a little less productive in some areas. I would have liked for them to talk more about their strategies than themselves and their blogs. I know that sounds a little catty but the point of the panel was to discuss way in which to make money by being a blogger. I wrote down a list from the discussion and it is as follows: Blog Ads, sponsors, receive free merch,  and produce profitable premium content. All of these options are fantastic but as a starting blogger it would be hard to manage even half of this list. They did drive home the importance of creating a relationship with everyone you deal with which includes publishers, designers, and PR persons. Overall the panel was helpful especially when they discussed getting taken advantage of and how to avoid such measures.

Photos by Dustin Fenstermacher

Panel 3: Oh, the infamous Blog Ethics Panel. I wanted to gush about this panel because of what was discussed and a slightly out of line blogger who asked a question. But I will hold off and let you watch the footage for yourself to see the latter. I was most excited to see Diane Pernet and Imram Ahmed speak. It was well worth it to hear Ahmed because he has had a blog for a while and tracks the goings on in the fashion industry like a hawk. I, as a history student, admire his veracity and he made very good points. This was the big questions: 1)Is it ethical for a blogger to accept free items from a company? 2)Does that hinder how your voice is heard? 3) How does this discussion differ from fashion editors and magazine staffers?

Firstly I think it does hinder the voice of the blogger if he or she is only posting what was given to him or her. I have dropped bloggers from my reader for that reason alone. It cheapens their writing and it becomes difficult to trust their opinion. The third question ties in, most people read blogs because they do not trust the concrete opinion of fashion editors. I believe you can receive a product and not be swayed by "free stuff". Hell, since starting this blog, I have received little free items and that is okay. I love blogging about the things that I love and I will not budge from my beliefs. Wendy Brandes, a blogger and the moderator, made a good point by later lamenting that there wasn't a fashion editor on the panel to defend fashion magazines. The fashion magazines did get bashed a bit on the panel but I think it was a type of conversation that never happened and everyone was getting their opinions on the floor. Overall I this was my favorite panel in the conference because there was a constructive conversation that involved the majority of the panelists.

EDIT: Jessica from What I Wore, a panelist at the conference, recently posted a conversation she had with the FTC. Read it here.

Photos by Dustin Fenstermacher

Panel 4: Was what I like to call "the fun panel". Some of the most respected bloggers on the internet were on stage in front of me and all I could do was smile. I smiled through the whole panel because usually these people don't get out. Tavi lives in the suburbs and has a regular life outside of blogging. I have been reading Susie Bubble Since her second month of posting. Bryan Boy I have been reading for even longer. The girls from Fashionista fit in there somewhere but I am not sure how. They are good at what they do but there are several other blogs that do the same thing so I thought that their presence on the panel was ill fitted. Not to say they are "bad" bloggers but perhaps they could run a panel about fashion blogging as journalism. Now for the basics. Tavi and Susie discussed the media's love of drama and that there really isn't this overarching tension between fashion bloggers and fashion editors. While Bryan Boy talked about how being a blogger is literally sitting on the computer all day. And lest we not forget Phil Oh, who represented the street-style bloggers who talked about the very different dynamic that is present between a street-style photographer/blogger and a fashion blogger. All in all it was a fun panel with a star studded audience that left some sitting in the aisles.

IN CONCLUSION, I was proud of Jennine and the staff for putting it all together and allowing everyone to be together in a nurturing environment. I think most thanks needs to go to Jenine who managed to make the conference donation only. I was very privileged to see and hear some of my inspirations speak. I was equally privileged to talk to many established bloggers and those that were making the fashion blogging world tick. It was a wonderful experience and with word it might happen in New York next season I am stoked! (to say the least)

Coming next...the last recap post featuring the videos from the conference.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

"...cause I'm punk like that."

Yokoo you are a talented woman and this sweatshirt will rock my world. I have a feeling I will wear this everywhere, even in my sleep. I am sure it will creep the captain out...This shirt has so many benefits. You can also buy this sweatshirt here.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

25 February 2010

Just4Fun, a true story of entrepreneurship

Since I have been blogging I often get the question: Where do you find all of your content? That is like asking a magician his secrets. In the case of Begonia I just don't remember. I do remember being fascinated by their prints. Upon reading their "What We Do" section on their website I knew I had to know more about their mission and their conception. I was happy to get a quick response from their PR saying they would happy to be interviewed. Many emails later led to this interview. I am quite impressed with their answers and I know you will be too.

How did you get started?

It might sound simple but it was a summer afternoon: one loves leggings
and the other one adores prints. Both of us felt like starting
something from the very beginning. We both have more than eight years of
experience in the fashion world and it was time for a personal project. We
simply looked at each other and said, “We are going to do that! Ok, but just
easy, just for fun”. We both know how hard it is to raise a label, so we
didn’t want to start with all the heavy duties [that it entails]. We really
wanted to make something to enjoy , that’s how it came about, simple designs
with funky prints. We love to research and a special part of our soul is our
Social Care Manufacturing system.

Can you discuss how your product is made?

Our purpose is to create a fashion project not restricted by conventional fashion industry standards, like seasons and large-scale manufacturing. The results are unique and original pieces presented in limited editions. Everything is one hundred percent made in Barcelona in collaboration with small
local workshops and a female prisoners' rehabilitation center who produce leggings, jumpsuits, and tube skirts from fabrics that we choose personally in stores around our home city of Barcelona, or on trips to Paris, New York, Tokyo, or any market in any part of the world. We like to think that the person using our clothes feels like they are a part of a common project.

What does it mean for you to produce a handmade product?
Nowadays almost all the fashion apparel is handmade, behind a twenty-nine or a five hundred dollar shoe there is some hands cutting, stitching, etc. The only difference is how the workers are treated. That’s our main concern. When you see a t-shirt for three dollars just to think that the cotton has to be collected, cleaned, treated, made into a yarn, and died. Afterwards, someone takes it into a machine, makes a fabric, then cut It, stitch it, finished, ironed pleated and packed and on top of it has to be shipped thousands of kilometers to the selling point.

You may wonder how much these people working on this t-shirt may earn from the three dollars if the shop takes more than half. In the better cases one dollar is left for paying all the processes, materials, and handmade work. When we say handmade we are referring to a creative making, a handcrafted design. In terms of work, not creativity, is the same work they do in some big industry in Asia or wherever in the world, the only difference is how the person is related to this work. In one case it is a craftsman developing his own design. In another case it is a twelve hour worker repeating mechanical work. As we were not going to make the leggings ourselves, it was very important for us how they were going to be made.

That’s why we make everything in Barcelona, because we get to know the hands behind our pieces, and on top of that we found this amazing Organisation ARED working for the reinsertion of female ex-prisoners. They are doing their best in their work, therefore they make an excellent product, you can really feel.

When did you decide to sell your clothing instead of producing a project?

Well, our experience was not so like the one of a designer working in his creations and deciding to commercialise them. Our experience was more the aim of constructing a fashion related project with a new basis. A project which is about design but also about having a soul, something we can be proud of. This is the point when we decided to study the chances to integrate in our project a Social or Charity collaboration. Therefore it was not so much about taking the decision to sell our clothes, it was more about how we make them and how we sell them. So at the end it was more about building up everything together.

What do you enjoy most about your product and your art?
Whenever someone buys something from Just4fun, we feel that someone new has joined the project. We don’t think we’ve ever stopped being excited. It makes us proud to see our brand in the street, in a magazine, out dancing...wherever, as long as it’s alive!

How do you feel about the exposure you have received?

We are very thankful. Everyone who comes across just4fun loves it. Our pieces are very visual catching, but once you know about the principles, the social Care Manufacturing concept and all the collaborators involve it goes one step further. We have been featured in magazines like Vice and Glamour , retailers from all around the world, and fashion fairs have shown a high interest towards just4fun, and we can be just thankful and excited to get all this attention and support. We recently grew and a new member has joined our team, Begoña Berges, who is in charge of Marketing and Communications, and we couldn’t ask for anyone better than her to care for these matters, deal with our image, and manage our Media presence.

In the new year, what will you be looking forward to?

A lot! The release of the book 1000 tips from 100 desingers in April, where we are participating. We just start a collaboration with the most rocking band in Barcelona, Johny Price, and we have been invited to Madrid Fashion Week Cibeles. Every week there is something new and exciting, this is the best part of just4fun! The good suprises!

What are you excited about right now?

ph: from Johny Price myspace

As we mention before we just started a collaboration with the knockoff rock band Jonny Price, they are all boys, and they are wearing the catsuits and leggings! And they look damn sexy with it! So finally we got boys into just4fun!

What medium of art inspires you the most?

That’s a complex question, art is so wide and we are really hungry for it. We could not really point one or two, all without any particular mention it’s inspiring us, but not so intentional it is more a subconscious inspiration.

Do you have any favorite designers?

Yes we do, but listing them would be very simplistic. We admire people who are able to treat fashion in a personal way and regardless of the industry have their own personal voice. Sometimes the result is, in aesthetic sense, not our cup of tea but that is meaningless. It is just a matter of taste. We respect the work behind it and the aim of making something personal with a special meaning.

(Interviewed January 20, 2010)
A special thanks to Begonia PR for letting me use photos by and continuing a good line of communication.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

23 February 2010

IFB recap pt.2: the roundup

I am not the only one recapping the conference. I have added to Jessica of What I Wore's list of blog posts that cover the conference. Although there are some very comprehensive posts on this list I am excited to present my own opinions about the conference. My Favorites: Wendy Brandes, The Greyest Ghost, and Pink Rock Candy. I have yet to read every entry but since I am a comment whore you can look to their respective blogs to get my comments.

Coming up next: I break down panels 2 through 4.
Before: part 1!

Valentino SS2010 video via Jason Last

I didn't know Valentino could be so sexy, so raunchy. A big round of applause for my favorite model of all time Dree Hemingway and Cole Mohr. Cole is one crazy son of a gun.
+ Dree Hemingway as the pent-up/frustrated girl and Cole Mohr as "the boyfriend".
- burning flowers; I am not a big fan of burning flowers as symbolism.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

PS. As of now IPF will be going ad-free. IFB badge and bloglovin badge will stay but no future ads. A longer blog post on this next week.

22 February 2010

NYFWeekend/IFB recap pt.1: The nervous video

This is a little video I was going to post the morning of the conference but I was rushing around trying not to get into a cue at the bathroom. Gotta love hostel living! I managed to do this in private without anyone listening in. My ring is a beaded band with baubles on top. I wear it almost everyday. The head wrap is a pashmina scarf given to me by a friend. The sweater is "vintage" L.L. Bean, and it is super comfy.
Staying on a positive note I was fun doing a video log and I would like to regularly post them. Next time I will look more at the audience, promise. Please let me know if this video does not work. I am trying out Google's video provider.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

19 February 2010

Things of thought

So my camera decided to "lunch out", Kasai says that means f@#ked up. As a result I have been scoring the internet for evidence of this awesome conference. This is Imran Amed of Business of Fashion and Diane Pernet; great minds that stood their ground during the "imfamous" blog ethics panel. A special nod to Jessica of What I Wore who stood firm on her integrity as a personal fashion blogger. More picture updates from the IFB conference coming as I find them.

Yes, that is Tavi...and Susie...and Mr. Street Peeper. It was great to finally hear them speak on the recent spat that the media drummed up. I was happy to learn that everyone is a-okay with each other. I know it sounds dramatic of me...

I just received in my inbox a copy of the new Face Hunter book. I have already started to look through each page closely. I cannot wait to tell you about it!

I have been really into Everclear lately. I don't believe in guilty pleasures really but I guess this band would have to be in that category.

These shoes will be mine too! Thanks Solestruck for helpin' a sista out.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

16 February 2010


I will be taking a small break to catch up on school work and soak in all I have learned. It has been an amazing trip. I met so many great minds and even made a friend (What up Enid?).

15 February 2010

MKA in Love Magazine/ Joy's Big Day

MKA smokin and styling in Love Magazine.

I hope you have been checking twitter because I have been tweeting up a storm! I purchased quite a bit and I cannot wait until I get home to show you. I still have a few shopping places on my list, some will have to wait for next time like the Tim Burton exhibit at MOMA. [insert sad face] Maybe I will go visit a friend at APC because I was sidetracked by lingerie and didn't get there on time. Damn you bloomers!

I needed this trip, it was nice to be selfish and roam around the city with no time limit and no expressed goals. I ended the days with an enriching bath.

Today's docket will be exciting! I sound like a little school girl but I have reason. Fashion blogging, and blogging itself, has become such an entity of its own on the internet. It is also growing faster than traditional journalists can handle. Why am I excited about the IFB conference? Because for the second time ever the best of the best will be discussing the ins and outs. And not only is that an important but it is special. A lot of these men and women I admire and welcome their opinions and ideas. Without most of them my blog, Iplayfaves, wouldn't exist in its truest form for you to read.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

14 February 2010

"Big Apple, what's a big apple"

-Man on the street yesterday.

I thought it was fitting and funny.
I enjoyed some of the NYFW tweets this morning with my coffee.
Just found out Open Ceremony is opening a new location today. I am definitely going.
I might visit a friend at APC.
What to do at night?
Happy Valentine's Day Chris!!!!
blogging at the conference via my phone and Twitter.
Updates on my Twitter.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

13 February 2010

Nitrolicious gots the good on the new Stam ad for Aldo.

And I am presenting them to you. The people of Nitrolicious are becoming an even better resource in 2010. The Stam ads are kind of kitschy but I am truly entertained and attracted to the branding and that is the point.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

12 February 2010

Packing for NY: Iplayfaves packing guide

1. Toiletries: so important! Face wash and moisturizer? Of course. Above is one of my favorite products.

2. Clothes: No snow boots. But plenty knitted hosiery to go around.
I wonder how snowy NY is compare to Bmore.

3. Reading: school book related to women's roles in
the home during late 18th century Europe.

4. Tunes on the Ipod:
I am into Battles, Devo, The Thermals, and Ariel Pink.

5. Kodak Easy Share: I will be bringing my trusty
Nikon point and shoot just in case.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

The Big Snow: The First Snow

The main drag/my street/my finger at the bottom.

I went out to a friend's gallery opening down the street.
It was worth it to trek in the snow.
This is Liz and her friend. Liz showed a piece at the show.

I forget her name but she is a sweet girl.
She was SPONGE GIRL, a girl who is covered in sponges and cleaned everything.
Even people, it was fitting for the event as every piece at the gallery had to do with working or manual labor and the devices used.
sorry for the caps.

The crowd: It was packed to the brim at the Annex Theater.

This was my favorite piece in the whole gallery. This opinion might change once I go to the closing. I will have a better camera for the closing show.

One of the coolest kids I know. Sam Shea is a cool cat.
He performed that night and it was both stunning and comical.
Everyone hooted, hollered, and applauded.

Kasai, my roommate and good friend, showed up at a fashionable time.
It was nice to be surrounded by friends.

This is the road to the gallery.
The weirdest part about the whole snow storm was not being able to see the road for a week.

Outside view from the 3rd floor.

This is outside my boyfriends window. There is a balcony of sorts and it was covered in snow!
The snow managed to get inside of our windows as well. Yay ghetto windows!

Outside of my boyfriend's window. This is during the first snow fall. There were little rabbit holes everywhere that you could travel in.

These are some photos of the craziness that has been The East Coast Blizzard of 2010, so far. With news reports predicting another snow fall on Monday who knows when I will be back in class. It is kind of nice. I haven't been doing much though. I have finished most of my assignments. The second weirdest part about the city is that it is illegal to drive for a couple of days in the city.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

11 February 2010

I just hope his family doesn't go under media scrutiny.

Found photos of my life

Stella and I. I do realize my background is shoddy, I like it like that. 
My cat is better at posing than me...

Jade and I at Chelsea's going away party. I miss Chelsea. 

I find photos on Facebook, my camera, and my phone. You get to see them. I am feeling bold today.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

09 February 2010

Formspring ME/ News

I love questions! Please feel free to ask away on my Formspring. I really don't know if it will be fruitful or not but I am excited to see what kind of questions I get. Who knows if you don't try, ya?

I will also be attending the IFB conference this Monday in New York. I am very excited to hear what people like Tavi, Bryan, and Tavi have to say. And I will be reporting back on my adventures through video, SMS, and good old fashion blogging.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

08 February 2010

Stock-up sale

Usually, dear readers, I am not one to push sales. But this is a valid sale. Times are tough and some of us are looking for more basic items for our wardrobes. I just acquired some so I am ready for Spring! What about you?

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

Fast Food Mafia

This is from FFFFound. I really like everything about the site. It is where the internet is going. Immediate images and fast information.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

I wish I was an Olympian/Ryan McGinley's awesome.

This is one of those self explanatory posts that hopefully will excite you. I am now geared up for the Winter Olympics. And it is all thanks to this video. McGinley created the video for the New York Times. I am surprised that they are finally stepping up the the technological plate. I am proud, sort of.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

07 February 2010

Yvan Rodic and his attention to detail *swoon*

Exhibit 1: This lovely young lady bested a heavy coat and cinched the waist. It is a volumous interpretation on the duster. Now i want a sweater coat. Closet make room!

Do see? Tuxedo black, navy blue, light blue? Usually I would cringe. Not because I am pretentious, it just has to be done a certain way. This is the way I like it.

Yes it is a picture with Charles Guislain in it. (Yes I think he is awesome.) But I like this photo because it encompasses a little of what is happening right now in Fashion Blogging. The street style candidate poses, Photographers frame up the shot and snap him. And here is Charles Guislain, someone already expected to do fantastic things in the fashion world, sitting idly by. I think fashion blogging  and treet style photography have come a very long way.

I like this about Rodic's work, he shots the individual clothing and the details. I like how the sweater looks with a small metal necklace.

This guy is fierce. He looks as though he could kick some one's ass. I love the crazy long fur front. I cannot tell if it is a scarf or one piece. I love the layering of the outer layers, and that cigarette.

I've been a great-big-huge fan of The Face Hunter for a long time but I haven't really blogged about him. He has a show he did a couple years back and is putting out a book in the near future. I have enjoyed watching both Rodic's and Schuman's careers blossom on this crazy fashion blogging scene. Dare I say, I am proud to see hard work produce wonderful photographers. I haven't met either of them, yet. When I do I will try less to be a fan girl and more so to just absorb anything they have to say. I have selected a few of my favorite new photos from his Yvan blog, a more laid back approach and features some street style outtakes.
And here's Yvan:

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

06 February 2010

Hi there, Hello there.

Antonio you dragged it out of me. Here is my new hair. It is my "2010" hair. My blog hasn't, in the past, been about me on camera. I love being in front of the camera but I often feel like I am flaunting rather than presenting my wardrobe. Once I get over this fear expect more wardrobe posts and video posts. Maybe sooner than later? Any blogger friends want to pose or shoot with me?
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D. 

05 February 2010

Yes, Please. (no. 2)

I want, must have, omg! 
This is another installment of Yes, Please. It is a gluttonous segment where I fawn over things. 

I started dreads a couple of weeks ago. So excited to show them to you. They are teenie tiny right now. Dreadlocks are defined by those that wear them and the way they wear them. I am absolutely sure that it will take a long time for my hair to be this long. However, I am truly inspired by the height this guy gave his hair. Picture is from Yvan Rodic.

I kind of despise the boots, I even forget the designer. But, I do love the crepe-esque skirt. So sheer it looks like a translucent paper bag. And I don't know about you but that gets me excited. This is a Tommy Ton (of Jak and Jil) photograph

Really? Do I have to say? Bows, diamonds, heels. This is an ad (unknown source). I wish I could live in shoes like this. I would be the most ridiculous girl in the warehouse.

Both the shoe and the perfume are great. I like the composition the most. This comes from a staff member of Another, I think. She is super cute and has a penchant for wearing red lipstick.

Who wouldn't want to drink their coffee from this in the morning? Imagine, you could be the tough guy in the office. Photo is by Viktor Vauthier.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy Davis

04 February 2010

Playlist to a mix CD

"Girl, never give away your tracklist."
I have a wonderful chance to send friends and strangers a mix CD. I know those are old school in our time of IPads, Mp3s, and fancy laptops. All in all I am thrilled to be doing this. Anyone want to suggest anything? I will put this is in the sidebar and add to the list of bands on the CD. I am doing a Data CD so sky is the limit.

03 February 2010

Who's that guy?

Seen here at Paul Smith AW. Photo by Sonny V. He has a look to him that I not only like but respect. I want him to have a deep voice and wear smoking jackets in his apartment. Any clue who this model is? I am pretty sure I saw him walk for MMM.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little. 
Joy D.

02 February 2010

Say Whaa? Alexander Wang has an ad campaign?

I am so sorry for being so behind but I would like to formally say that I am excited and confused. I thought the intrigued to Alex Wang was the unsolicited brand he developed. I don't have much else to say. The photo is from Fashionologie. And the Wang camp promises to change the posters once a week for four weeks. This is some campaign.

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.

Ahahhaha, bong planter.

Hilarious, new, Viktor Vaulthier. This reminds me of the scene in Grandma's Boy. You know the one....
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.