ph: 2008 Tavi picture, fake LOVE cover, real POP cover (all TFs)
MISS TAVI WIlliams you may now brush your shoulders off. Haha just kidding. I am overwhelming happy for her. I am not however excited about all the flamin being done on this version of the cover of POP, except the critques against Hirst because he deserves it. I am not sure how credible the LOVE cover is so I am calling its bluff.
Now, now high and mighty fashionistas I have a few things to say. Tavi is a girl doing what she loves. She managed to start her hobby, blogging, when everyone is watching. Not to say she could have ever planned such a thing, that is her luck. She has been blogging feverishly for a while now and some of us know how hard that actually is. I dressed like a clotheshorse hit me head on at that age but I had no clue why, I just liked colors. Tavi does have articulate reasons for the way she dresses. I am also aware of the immense controversy about these young bloggers and how they probably don't write their own material for their sites. I think that is BS, I know several young people who articulate themselves as well or better than Tavi. Although most of them wouldn't know Givenchy from Betsey Johnson. What surprises me the most about the POP cover is the red wordiness but I am happy about the awesome content inside.
I am worried that POP made the wrong move in putting her on the cover. They knew how controversial it might be, maybe this is the reason for the Hirst collaboration as well. I like Damien Hirst but I thought his MO was to stay away from marketing his art. I am totally confused now. All this nonsense will probably take away from the promising content inside. Either way people will buy it. I will buy it, even on my meager pension, and enjoy every page because I am truly happy for the M/M Paris bookzine and the stem-cell research celebration by Rodarte.