As I head out to another job interview, I hope I can put an end to sitting at home doing nuffin'. I needed a pick me up this morning and of course Bryan Boy didn't disappoint. I am also going on a fashion mag hunting, I hope it isn't as disappointing as the last. I could go to Atomic books but I don't know how to get there by bus. :/
Ps. I just added nuffin' to my e-dictionary, haha. How ghetto.
Road Dogs
- Anka
- Cheap Jap
- Creative Cookie
- Duomo Showroom
- Eat On This
- Feigned Perfection
- Is Mental
- Josh Sisk
- Kamau Studios
- Marios Left Tanker
- Modly Chic
- Old Baltimore Vintage
- Panache
- Peter Goode
- Psynopsis
- Radio Shaq
- Some Required
- Style Bubble
- Style Savage
- The Baltimore Sun's Midnight Blog
- The Divinitus
- The Essential Man
- The Fat and Skinny on Fashion