Remember when I expressed my sheer adoration for
Bare Foot Tess? Well for those that do not know it is a shoe store (originally based from my home town) that provides amazing shoes for women. They specialize in stocking shoes sizes 10 and up. About a couple of weeks ago they asked me to be apart of a contest they were doing. I was so honored! The contest starts in July and I am donating a porcelain rose brooch to be added to their amazing prize package. I might throw a surprise in there as well!
So here is the run down.
"Shoe Seek 2009" is an online scavenger hunt through various shoe loving websites, following clues and answering questions in a race to see who will win the grand SHOE SEEK prize package! The contest will begin on July 10th, and participants will be notified a few days in advance of the specific start time.
The grand prize package includes: -$250 shopping spree to BarefootTess.com!
-$50 Nordstrom gift certificate (courtesy of TallClothingMall.com)
-A signed copy of 'The Budget Fashionista' Kathryn Finney's first book "How to Be a Budget Fashionista"
-Shoe Seek winner feature blog/article and picture on the following fabulous shoe-loving sites: BarefootTess.com, Blogging Barefoot Blog, TallWomen.org, Fashion Fille's blog, YourFeetMakeYouUnique blog, and ShoeTube!
Sounds super exciting right? You can sign up
here or just click the Shoe Seek 2009 banner on the sidebar. So many companies are delving into scavenger hunts. To tell you the truth they are a lot easier to win than contests that have you comment on bloggers sites. All I am trying to say is....IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN! Good luck readers!