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06 December 2010

My weekend in a nutshell

A diary of sorts. And no, I didn't get to Art Basel.....


I went to Deep in the Game with guest performer Sewn Leather. Two of my friend's had birthdays. I do remember a toasting to being old (i.e. 22) with my pals Sharela, Dain, and Anna. 
Goodtimes were had and I really enjoyed myself. And I totally got a free sub at the end of night, thanks to some mystery guy.
Saturday: Totally exhausted. A bunch of kids stampeded my job, we got it under control in a matter of minutes. I felt like a super hero but was too tired to go out. Super heroes need rest too....
Sunday: Yesterday was a blue-collar day in every sense of the word. I worked 9 hours and came home to the football game. Although the team I was rooting for lost I was consoled by the fact that it was a good day all in all.
Life is beautiful, let's share a little. 

Joy D.