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05 November 2010

Fashion Film Friday: Terence Koh and Timo Weiland on Style Like U

Oh, even when I think I have covered all bases, I have not. For fashion is fleeting and I could never keep up with everything, even my own favorites. I am a huge, I mean HUGE, fan of StyleLikeU. It is a website dedicated to finding out what is in people's minds as well as their closets. Sometimes I am disapointed that people don't have stories, yes that is unfair, but sometimes I am delighted by the clothes. One of my favorite artists of the 21st century and one of my favorite designer's of the 21st century were interviewed. Two birds, one stone.

Terence Koh, not talking. I was more intrigued to hear Elisa Goodkind speak. It is quite a powerful video. And has changed my mind about the importance of what SLU is doing.

Any designer inspired by Bueller and executes it is A+ in my book. I am most attracted to Timo Weiland because they are in love with visual and physical texture. That, my friends, is my goal in my wardrobe (along with volume, I'm a mess). And I am not going to even touch on the slight mention at Eckstein's family's factory in China....

Life is beautiful, let's share a little. 

Joy D.