My midterm is today. I still have to cram more words into my vocabulary by 1pm. I am now procrasinating and looking at my favorite thing online. Here is some inspo for you lovely folks this morning.

Cult Party (store) in Japan. I have a confession:
I used to be a big fan of Gothic Lolita. I was once among the American freaks that thought that I could do what the little ladies of Japan could do. I then realized that I was #1 getting too old and #2 nearly 6 foot tall. I learned a lot from my brief (3 year long) obsession. One of them was collecting snapshots of Japanese stores. They seemed crammed but full to the brim with lovely frills and oozing with pastels.

This is Jowy, she has the blog
ISEEJANEMARY. In this picture she looks incredibly iconic. She got to attend a fashion event that I, and the rest of her readers, are pretty jealous of. Her style is on point, enough said. Check out her blog pronto unless you are the jealous type.
Susie Bubble I think I will have to stop reading your blog. You infiltrate every ounce of my pyche and make me want to BUY BUY BUY. I then look at my bank account and realize I have no funds to reciprocate my yearning. Damn you Susie! Ok, so I am not that worked up over some designer duds that I would have to work years to pay for. So...I will attempt to make it. While the knitted sweater has not been completed (more info later, I cheated) I think I can easily make these panels and sew them together. This blog has yet to see any of my creations. The foremost reason being that I am scared I suck, there I said it. The dress is originally from
Fanny and Jess.

ph: Satorialist
Oh guy in match maroon, show me the way to pair cotton and linen effortlessly while looking effortlessly into the distance. How cool.

Barely there shorts from BO VAN MELSKENS. Super cute and see through. As I am posting the captain says I should make a set like these shorts instead of that "lame dress". He is such a dude. :/

Paul Klee, he inspires me to do just about everything, He uses colors the way I like it. Klee hits the spot. And between Klee and the
Mcqueen Spring collection I might have to throw out my dark colors and pastels and switch to patchwork. Hah, just kidding.

Boys who dress like they don't give a f**K: I like guys fashion over women's. Why? Because it has more room to evolve and I love seeing how editorials are evolving. I also happen to like this picture because it reminds me of
the Warriors. I found this picture at
UMAG. It is my favorite online magazine I haven't told anyone about yet.
Joy D.