So long now I have chatted with the editor in chief of Vanity Teen. His magazine is fascinating because it comes across half thoughtful and half saucy. One day I will produce something worth handing over to Sbastien, the editor. Something worth the caliber of the magazine which you can view here. You will be delighted that he answered some of my questions. Sbastien is a man of few words. (Included in the post are photos from the magazine past and present. The last picture maybe NWSF.)
Issue10 cover
1. What is your name? I love the idea that people who don't know me personally call me Sbastien but my real name is Toni.
2. What statement do you want to make with your magazine? I want to create serious, straight "teenage art" meeting point, directed by young people and to be consumed by all types of public. I want to be a reference of a new, teen's vision of art.
3. Do you have any critiques about print versus digital magazines? The day where printed magazines are over is near, kioskes will be over too and only electronic books and magazines will be in our everyday lives. In Vanity Teen we have adapted to new technologies, we are not afraid of change. Vanity Teen is not to be published or be printed any time soon, our artists are young and teenagers, we are not classics at all. It is very important to make clear that we also respect the environment very much.
4. How do you decide what is put into your magazine? Since I first started in photography I always thought about giving chances to young artists. Young people need to be admired, they need more space to create.
5. Why do you focus on teens? Do you feel there is a lack of teenager presence in magazines today? In Spain there is nothing like this and if there is, they are only focused in treating teenagers as mindless people, only fans of Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber, people that only consume pop culture. There is another photographer that touches the young and teenage culture but from a gay point of view and in my opinion, adulterated. I wanted to do something different than that.
6. Where are you from and does it inspire you? I'm from Barcelona. I grew up loving Andy Warhol, Bruce Weber, Larry Clark's movies, etc. If Barcelona has influenced me at all is in trying not to be like what's going on here.
8. Do you have any favorite fashion blogs or magazines? I love Hero Magazine and Coytus, I think they are the best reference for magazines that feature boys from a straight, fresh and young point of view.
9. Would you call your magazine controversial? Not at all. I do not consider my work controversial, I only want to expand art, just that.
Anything you would like to add? Yes, read Vanity Teen, it rejuvenates you!
Life is beautiful, let's share a little.
Joy D.