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31 August 2010

Add this to a colorful wardrobe...

HURRAH! is a band I am fond of because it is average dudes playing music I love to dance to. And they look good doing it. There music always brings color to my life. And I have been listening to their albums while I look for some colorful things to wear. Their music is oddly melodramatic but damned if you don't wanna bounce around!

Every time I hear this song I think of the natural light phenomena. None in particular because they are all quite beautiful. Grizzly Bear is a pretty popular band. A band my friends would say is a "college chick band". [See Coldplay and Sufjan Stevens] Readers of my blog know I don't care and I rather like the picture their music paints. I found this late night this past weekend trolling YouTube for fun videos. Maybe it is just me...

Question: Are there bands that exist on your playlist that paint a beautiful picture in your head?

Life is beautiful, let's share a little.